The Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) held an international conference of computer science and information system, ICACSIS 2014 (International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems) on October 18-19, 2014 in Ambhara Hotel, Jakarta. The event was officially opened by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D (Dean of Fasilkom UI) and a welcoming speech from Dana Indra Sensuse, Ph.D (General chair ICACSIS 2014). The opening ceremony was held at the same time with the opening of one of the event series, which was the 2014 Research Dissemination.
ICACSIS 2014 conference is an international forum that brings together researchers, professionals, students and experts of computer science and information system. This year, the 6th ICACSIS was again trusted and supported by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This year there are 12 participating countries that attended ICACSIS 2012, which are Algeria, France, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, United Kingdom, U.S.A, Singapore, Germany, Sweden, and Indonesia.
The ICACSIS 2014 series of events was consisted of (1) Plenary Speech from the invited speakers on the first day, which were Dr. Ir. Basuki Yusuf Iskandar, M.A. (Research and Human Resource Development Board, INA) and Prof. Dame Wendy Hall (University of Southampton, UK), while the second day presented Drs. Harry Waluyo, M.Hum (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, INA) and Prof. Masatoshi Ishikawa (University of Tokyo, JP); (2) Parallel Session from the presenters with the papers that have been officially qualified by the ICACSIS 2014 committee. The discussed topics were in the area of Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, Pattern Recognition, Information Retrieval, Computer Networks, Distance Learning, E-Government and IT Government.
On the closing ceremony, the ICACSIS 2014 committee appreciated the participants of ICACSIS 2014 by giving achievements based on 4 categories:
Best Session Presenter
- Fajar Munichaputranto with the paper titled Element Extraction and Evaluation of Packaging Design using Computational Kansei Engineering Approach
- Fajri Koto with the paper titled SMOTE-Out, SMOTE-Cosine, and Selected-SMOTE: An Enhancement Strategy to Handle Imbalance in Data Level
- Husnul Khotimah with the paper titled Tourism Recommendation Based on Vector Space Model and Social Recommender Using Composite Social Media Extraction
- Andhika Yudha Utomo with the paper titled Gamified E-Learning Model Based on Community of Inquiry
- Nursidik Heru Praptono with the paper titled The Critical Success Factors to Develop an Integrated Application of Tuna Fishing Data Management in Indonesia
- Wanthanee Prachuabsupakij with the paper titled Hybrid Sampling for Multiclass Imbalanced Problem : Case Study of Student’ Performance Prediction
- Endang Purnama Giri with the paper titled Quantitative Eavaluation for Simple Segmentation SVM in Landscape Image
- M Anwar Ma’sum with the paper titled Particle Swarm Optimization Based 2-Dimensional Randomized Hough Transform for Fetal Head Biometry Detection and Approximation in Ultrasound Imaging
- Elin Cahyaningsih with the paper titled Government Knowledge Management System Analysis: Case Study Badan Kepegawaian Negara
- Aditia Ginantaka with the paper titled An Analysis and Design of Traceability In FrozenVanname Shrimp Product based on Digital Business Ecosystem
- Denny with the paper titled Relative Density Estimation using Self-Organizing Maps
- Aprinaldi with the paper titled ArcPSO: Ellipse Detection Method using Particle Swarm Optimization and Arc Combination
- Ala Ali Abdulrazeg with the paper titled Extending V-model practices to support SRE to build Secure Web Application
- Yudho Giri Sucahyo with the paper titled Information Security Risk Management Planning: A Case Study at Application Module of State Asset Directorate General of State Asset Ministry of Finance
- Stewart Sentanoe with the paper titled Iris Localization using Gradient Magnitude and Fourier Descriptor
- Albertus Sulaiman with the paper titled Integration of Smoke Dispersion Modeling with Earth’s Surface Images
- Harish Muhammad Nazief with the paper titled Development of University of Indonesia Next Generation Firewall Prototype and Access Control with Deep Packet Inspection
- Belladini Lovely with the paper titled A System Analysis and Design for Sorghum Based Nano–Composite Film Production
- Ahmad Tamimi Fadhilah with the paper titled Integrated Information System Specification to Support SSTC
Best Paper Student
- Muhammad Sakti Alvissalim, Masahiko Yasui, Chihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa with the paper titled Immersive Virtual 3D Environment based on 499 fps Hand Gesture Interface
- Agus Widodo, Indra Budi, Belawati Widjaja with the paper titled Nonlinearly Weighted Multiple Kernel Learning for Time Series Forecasting
Best Paper
- Yasutaka Kishi, Kyoto Ito, Shogo Nishida with the paper titled Making “Energy-saving Strategies” : Using a Cue Offering Interface
The 2014 ICACSIS conference was supported by DIKTI, IPKIN, and APTIKOM and was associated with the Computer Science Department of Bogor Agricultural University and the Faculty of Information Technology of Tarumanegara University.