The Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) is again holding a face-to-face graduation for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, at the Makara Art Center, UI Depok Campus. This event is part of the University of Indonesia Graduation Ceremony for the 2021/2022 Academic Year which will be held simultaneously at various locations on the UI campus. This is a breakthrough made by UI in holding graduations during the transition period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fasilkom UI graduated 313 graduates from undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels, with details of: nine graduates from the Doctor of Computer Science (DIK) program; 96 graduates of the Master of Computer Science (MIK) and Master of Information Technology (MTI) programs; 208 graduates of the Bachelor of Computer Science, Information Systems, and International Special Class Computer Science (KKI) programs. A total of 116 of them received cum laude predicates from their respective graduation levels.
Dean of Fasilkom UI, Dr. Ir, Petrus Mursanto, M.Sc., in his welcoming speech conveyed his impressions and messages to all graduates, “This is not the end of the struggle, but the beginning of actualizing the knowledge gained into real life and providing benefits to the wider community. You won’t go far in life if you only rely on what you currently have, a degree from UI, a high GPA, maybe even a cum laude predicate. Keep growing to develop yourself. Life provides opportunities to continue to improve to be the best. Information technology as a competency that you have, offers many possibilities and opportunities to take creative and innovative steps. You should welcome all the possibilities that lie ahead with all the challenges as opportunities to continue to contribute to the progress of the nation and state. Hopefully, more and more people from your environment will benefit from the application or implementation of the knowledge you have gained,” he said.

There were seven graduates who successfully graduated cum laude with the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) in each study program. The highest GPA from DIK was achieved by Dr. Artive Gandhi and Dr. Nabila Clydea Harahap with a GPA of 4.00. The highest GPA for MIK was won by Ryan Pramana, M.Kom. with a GPA of 3.94. Furthermore, MTI’s highest GPA was won by Sri Handika Utami with a GPA of 3.95. The highest GPA for the Bachelor of Computer Science program was successfully achieved by Gangkangin Gotera, S.Kom with a GPA of 3.98. Meanwhile, for the Information Systems undergraduate study program, Anisa Hasna Nabila, S.Kom was successful with a GPA of 3.88. The winner of the highest GPA from the International Special Class Computer Science program is Wan Muhammad Rayhan Arwindra, S.Kom., B.Inf.Tech. with a GPA of 3.78.
Several other series of events such as musical entertainment and several songs by a young Fasilkom UI lecturer, namely Mr. Raja Oktovin, M.Sc. together with one of the Fasilkom UI graduates, Andi Rizkha Fadillah Mallarangeng S.T., M.T.I., as well as the class of 2018 Fasilkom UI alumni, Abhipraya Tjondronegoro. This event was also attended by Mr. Ahmad Firdaus, S.Kom., as the head of Iluni Fasilkom UI. He gave remarks as well as symbolically welcomed Fasilkom UI alumni by pinning the Iluni Fasilkom UI pin to the graduate representatives.

The Fasilkom UI graduation ceremony was also attended by the Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs namely, Mr. Ari Saptawijaya, Ph.D and also faculty professors such as, Prof. Dr. Eko Kuswardono Budiardjo; Prof. Dr. Indra Sensuse Fund and Prof. Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Ph.D. As well as study program coordinators and Fasilkom UI lecturers namely, Mr. Harry Budi Santoso, Ph.D; Dr. Dina Cahyati; Mr. Adila Alfa Krisnadhi, Ph.D; Mrs. Betty Purwandari, Ph.D; Dr. Erdefi Rakun; Mr. Alfan Farizki Wicaksono, Ph.D; Dr. Panca Hadi Putra; Mrs. Dipta Tanaya, M. Kom; and Mr. Ari Wibisono, M.Kom.