The Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) held an online Postgraduate Open House (OH Postgraduate) event on October 31 2022. The webinar was attended by hundreds of participants who enthusiastically asked various kinds of questions about masters and doctoral programs via the Zoom application. Besides being able to get to know Fasilkom UI’s postgraduate program more closely, participants also met virtually with lecturers and researchers in various fields of expertise such as computer science and Fasilkom UI information systems. In his welcoming speech, the Dean of Fasilkom UI, Dr. Petrus Mursanto said “The Fasilkom UI Postgraduate Open House is an initial activity in welcoming prospective postgraduate program students to get to know each other better. Just like planning a trip, adequate preparation is also needed to pursue studies at the Fasilkom UI postgraduate program. This forum is here to provide accurate information for prospective new students of postgraduate programs, both masters of computer science (MIK), masters of information technology (MTI) and doctoral of computer science (DIK), compatibility of interests and competencies possessed by institutions is the key to success, that’s why this event this was held,” he said.
Starting at 09.00 in the morning, the presentation session and introduction to master’s and doctoral programs were divided into two sessions. The morning session was moderated by Dr. Panca Hadi Putra with resource person Mrs. Betty Purwandari, Ph.D. As head of the MTI program, Ms. Betty Purwandari, Ph.D explained about the MTI education program and other applied sciences in the field of information technology being taught. After that he continued to moderate the MIK and DIK programs delivered by Mr. Harry Budi Santoso, Ph.D who is the head of the Fasilkom UI MIK and DIK programs. In this Postgraduate OH session the emphasis is on the introduction and explanation of how postgraduate students are involved and also choose the suitability of interest in taking research through several research labs, namely; Reliable Software Engineering; Digital Library & Distance Learning; Computer Architecture, Networking & High Performance Computing; Machine Learning and Computer Vision; Information Retrieval; Information Management; E-Government and E-Business; Center for Cybersecurity and Cryptography; and Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence. Furthermore, lecturers and researchers from each Fasilkom UI lab reviewed programs and research from each of their areas of expertise. Among the Fasilkom UI lecturers and researchers who attended this activity, among others, Prof. Dr. Eko K. Budiardjo; Prof. Dana Indra Sensuse, Ph.D.; Mr. Setiadi Yazid, Ph.D.; Dr. Erdefi Rakun; Dr. Putu Wuri Handayani; Mr. Adila Alfa Krisnadhi, Ph.D; Dr. Indra Budi; and Mr. Fariz Darari, Ph.D.
Entering the afternoon session was followed by an MLCV presentation by Dr. Erdefi Rakun as a lecturer and researcher at the MLCV lab by creating an recognition system based on the Indonesian Signing System (SIBI) which is capable of translating SIBI videos into Indonesian language text with an accuracy rate of up to 98 percent. On the same occasion, Dr. Fariz Darari as the Co-Director of Tokopedia-UI Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence also reviews the artificial intelligence research that is currently being developed. Until the research and community service session by Mr. Adila Alfa Krisnadhi, Ph.D. On this occasion, as Fasilkom UI Research and Community Service Manager, he explained the publication places provided by the faculty, international conferences such as ICACSIS and IWBIS along with journals such as Journal of Computer and Information Science (JIKI) and Journal of Information Systems (JSI) to facilitate students postgraduate in order to fulfill the obligation of scientific publication while studying at Fasilkom UI. After that, Mr. Setiadi Yazid, Ph.D. introduced the Center for Cyber Security & Cryptography research center and research fields in the field. He explained that in research activities in this field, the dominance is more into practice and contributes to government agencies in national cyber security efforts.
By holding the Postgraduate OH event, prospective postgraduate students are expected to be equipped with the information needed to register for the Fasilkom UI postgraduate program which will open in February 2023. Further information regarding registration can be accessed through the SIMAK UI website link:
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