The Association of Family Women (IWK) Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) University of Indonesia (UI) in collaboration with the Universitas Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) held a seminar and medical examination entitled Realize and Recognize: Early Detection of Breast Cancer on Thursday, December 22 2022 at the Auditorium The old B Building, UI Campus, Depok.
Chairperson of IWK Fasilkom UI, Mrs. Dyah Prawitasari said that this event was the first activity since the start of the management of the new IWK Fasilkom UI and was held to coincide with Mother’s Day. “The purpose of this activity is to provide education on the importance of early prevention of breast cancer,” he said. This activity is fully supported by Fasilkom UI.

Group photo: dr. Aris Ramdhani, Sp.B (RSUI); Dr. Petrus Mursanto (Dean of Fasilkom UI), Mrs. Dyah Prawitasari (IWK Fasilkom UI) dr. Astuti Giantini (RSUI), dr. Afni Fatmasari, Sp.PD (IWK Fasilkom UI), and Ms. Meiriana Enny (IWK Fasilkom UI).
Dean of Fasilkom UI, Dr. Petrus Mursanto was present at the activity and gave a speech. “Today coincides with Mother’s Day or more precisely Indonesian Women’s Day, I hope that the role that all mothers or prospective mothers (Indonesian women) have with this activity is able to provide education and early awareness of the dangers related to breast cancer. I hope that Indonesian women are healthier and more advanced starting from themselves, their families and our daily environment,” said Dean Mursanto.
Referring to data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, early detection of breast cancer is very important. The doctor at the University of Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) who was a guest speaker on this occasion, namely, dr. Aris Ramdhani, Sp.B said that breast cancer is the type of cancer with the highest number of cases, and is one of the main causes of death from cancer, because most breast cancer patients come for treatment at an advanced stage. “In fact, if detected early and treated immediately, cancer can actually be defeated. Routinely doing BSE can help you protect yourself from breast cancer. Early detection saves lives,” continued dr. Aris.
The Realize and Recognize seminar was moderated by dr. Afni Fatmasari, Sp.PD from IWK Fasilkom UI. Also present at the occasion, the Main Director of RSUI namely, Dr. dr. Astuti Giantini Sp.PK(K), MPH who also gave a positive response to IWKF activities. This activity was attended by both female lecturers, Fasilkom UI education staff and cross-faculty management at UI.
In this activity, also facilitated by RSUI for checking blood sugar, blood pressure and clinical breast examination (SADANIS). Sadanis is carried out at RSUI, after the seminar activities are over. Livestreaming replays of seminar activities can be watched via YouTube Fasilkom UI at the following link: