Fasilkom UI Students Win Big Data Challenge at Ria Statistics Event and Data Science Festival (SATRIA DATA) 2022

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia > Achievements > Fasilkom UI Students Win Big Data Challenge at Ria Statistics Event and Data Science Festival (SATRIA DATA) 2022

Students from the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) successfully won the Ria Statistics event and Data Science Festival (Satria Data) in 2022 for the Big Data Challenge division organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture cq the National Achievement Center in Yogyakarta on 7-8 December 2022. 

The Fasilkom UI team represented by Nyoo Steven Christopher Handoko (IK 2021); Made Swastika Nata Negara (IK 2021); and Eko Julianto Salim (IK 2019) won third place in the Big Data Challenge category in the Satria Data 2022 series.

Satria Data is a competition to measure students’ abilities in the fields of statistics, data science, and their application. In addition to the hard skills in the fields of statistics and data science, this activity is also an arena for competing soft skills such as communication skills, visualization, cooperation, and creativity in solving complex problems. 

Satria Data presents four types of competitions, namely National Statistics Competition, Statistics Essay Competition, Statistics Infographic Competition, and Big Data Challenge. Not only competition, this event consists of three groups of activities, namely Knowledge Development, Competition Activities, and Credit Earning.

Dean of Fasilkom UI, Dr. Petrus Mursanto said that Fasilkom UI is determined to be the top referral for the development of computer science and information technology in Indonesia. “Fasilkom UI must be a leading institution in developing computer science and information technology in Indonesia. With this achievement at least it provides evidence of a real contribution, congratulations to the Fasilkom UI team,” said Dean Mursanto.