Gemastik 2020: UI Maintains General Champion 5 Years in a Row 

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia > Achievements > Gemastik 2020: UI Maintains General Champion 5 Years in a Row 

University of Indonesia (UI) won the overall champion in the XIII 2020 National Student Information and Communication Technology (Gemastik) event which was opened in July 2020, and the final was on October 23 2020 online with Telkom University as the host. As the winner, UI brought home the “Samakbya Padhesa Widya” trophy which means correct information for science. Based on the announcement at the final event, UI won 3 Gold Medals, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze, and 2 Hope Champions. With this achievement, UI has successfully defended the Gemastik General Champion for five consecutive years and is the 8th time for UI to win the Gemastik General Champion since it was first held in 2008. All members of the UI contingent who won gold medals are students of the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) UI. 

Gemastik is a national level student performance in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which is a program of the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas), Ministry of Education and Culture. From year to year, the level of competition within GEMASTIK is increasing. A total of 2,869 teams from 175 universities spread across 33 provinces throughout Indonesia, competed in Gemastik XIII 2020. The participants competed in 11 competition categories, namely programming, cybersecurity, data mining, user experience design (UX Design), animation (Animation), smart city (Smart City), scientific paper writing (ICT Scientific Paper), software development (Software Development), smart devices, embedded & iot systems (Smart Device, Embedded System & IOT), game application development (Game Development), and ICT Business Development. This year’s Gemastik finalists came from universities throughout Indonesia, including the Ten November Institute of Technology and the Bandung Institute of Technology which ranked second and third respectively in the final standings.

Following are the names of the UI teams and contingent members who won medals at Gemastik 2020:

Programming Competition Branch

2nd Place: Team Start everything by praying

  • Muhammad Salman Al Farisi 
  • Ahmad Haulian Yoga Pratama 
  • Andrew Theodore Tjondrowidjojo 

Champion of Hope : Team SoThaDa

  • Hocky Yudhiono 
  • Raden Fausta Anugrah Dianparama
  • Julian Fernando

Data Mining Competition Branch

1st Place: Ramalin Team

  • Douglas Raevan Faisal
  • Rd Pradipta Gitaya Samiadji

2nd Place: Three Epochs

  • Eko Julianto Salim
  • Jonathan Nicholas
  • Jovi Handono Hutama

User Experience Design Contest Branch

Champion of Hope: Team Abstract

  • Abraham Williams Lumbantobing
  • Roshani Ayu Pranasti
  • Jose Devian Hibono

Smart City Competition Branch

1st place: Team Kiyomi

  • Angelina Condro
  • Cassie Michelle
  • Rahmadian Tio Pratama

Software Development Competition Branch

3rd Place: Team Team 7

  • Michael Wiryadinata Halim
  • Muhammad Fairuzi Teguh
  • Fakhira Devina

ICT Business Development Competition Branch

Juara 1: Startsec

  • Gregorius Aprisunnea
  • Rachel Larasati K
  • Jihan Maulana Octa
Group photo of some contingent members with supervisors

Highest appreciation for the students as Gemastik XIII 2020 finalists who have made UI and Fasilkom UI proud at the national level.

Author : Aulia Azmi