The e-Government Information Technology Masters Program (MTI) is an Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics Scholarship Program, which is implemented with the aim of creating superior government apparatus human resources in e-Government development within Central and Regional government agencies in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 concerning National Policy and Strategy for e-Government Development. The target of this program is the availability of human resources managing e-Government within Central and Regional Government agencies. The Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, collaborates with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in organizing the Kominfo Domestic Scholarship Program.
The MTI curriculum with the Kominfo Domestic Scholarship Program is designed for study for 3 semesters. Compulsory courses are held during the day (14:00-16:30), while elective courses are held in the evening (19:00-21:30) at the MTI Fasilkom UI Campus UI Salemba, Jakarta.
Domestic Masters Scholarships are held for Central and Regional Civil Servants, as well as members of the TNI/POLRI as well as the general public from professionals and private institutions to continue postgraduate education in the aspect of competence development in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). At the opening of the Phase I Scholarship program, Study Programs in the Country can be taken at 9 (nine) Universities that are partners of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in implementing the Scholarship Program.
A. The general requirements that must be met to take part in this Scholarship Program are:
B. Special requirements for PNS, TNI/POLRI in the Domestic Masters Scholarship Program are:
Other conditions that must be met to take part in the Domestic Masters Scholarship Program are as follows:
In addition, the Kominfo Scholarship Program is open to the general public, especially the young workforce, to continue their Masters education.
This scholarship program is carried out under a cost-sharing scheme, with the distribution of responsibilities as follows:
The required documents that must be uploaded on the Kominfo Scholarship website portal are as follows:
2. Civil servant decree;
3. Latest SK;
4. S1 Grade Certificate & Transcript;
5. Permission from superiors from the leadership to continue postgraduate level education with Study Assignment status (signed with 10,000 stamps/e-stamps according to the format attached I);
6. Fulfillment of job relevance requirements and work functions with the chosen study program, for PNS is evidenced by a Statement of Carrying Out Position (SPMJ)/Decree/Assignment Letter which states the relevant duties and functions in Information Management and Documentation/ICT Management/Information Security, and Decree of Structural Position for those who have served or Letter of Placement from the unit that handles staffing from each agency to the person concerned to carry out tasks in the related field on 10,000 stamp duty/e-seal;
7. Other documents that support job duties and functions with the chosen study program (if more than 1 document is attached, please combine them in 1 PDF document);
8. Certificate of acceptance pass from the selected tertiary institution (can be uploaded after passing the acceptance test at the tertiary institution).
1. Curriculum Vitae;
2. Certificate of Employment;
3. S1 Grade Certificate & Transcript;
4. Attach a recommendation letter from the leader, a credibility figure in their field and know the applicant well (according to the format of Appendix II);
5. Fulfillment of job relevance requirements and work functions with the chosen study program, evidenced by other documents that support job duties and functions with the chosen study program (if more than 1 document is attached, please combine them in 1 PDF document); And
6. Certificate of acceptance pass from the selected tertiary institution (can be uploaded after passing the acceptance test at the tertiary institution).
The Ministry of Communication and Information will carry out the final stage of verification and selection and then the announcement of the 2023 Ministry of Communication and Information Scholarship Recipients will be officially submitted through their respective accounts on the Kominfo Scholarship website portal.
The Ministry of Communication and Informatics Higher Education Partner admission selection schedule for 2023 can be accessed on each official university partner acceptance website or the Kominfo Scholarship website at
II. Ministry of KOMINFO Foreign Masters Scholarship Requirements for 2023
The Ministry of Communication and Informatics Foreign Masters Scholarships for the 2023 academic year are again open for Central Government Apparatuses/Members of the TNI/POLRI and non-PNS from the Ministry/LPNK/BUMN/Private/Startup actors with work backgrounds in the ICT field who are interested in continuing Masters studies in the field of studies related to Information and Communication Technology.
Registration for the Overseas Masters scholarship program is open for certain study programs in 5 (five) study destination countries, namely: China, India, the Netherlands, Hungary and Japan. Prospective applicants should pay attention to the deadline for registration to the Ministry of Communication and Information and the intended tertiary institution.
The requirements for applicants for the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Foreign Masters Scholarships are divided into general requirements that apply to all scholarship schemes in all Universities and Study Destination Countries as well as special requirements that apply specifically to certain destination countries and universities.
General requirement
Special Requirements :
1. People’s Republic of China – Tsinghua University
a. Scholarship applicants must first register and take part in the scholarship selection stage at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, together with preparing the university’s special requirements file;
b. Specific requirements, documents to be uploaded and Tsinghua’s online application system can be found on the page until March 2023;
c. The registration fee will be borne by the Ministry of Communication and Information for applicants who have been declared recipients of the 2023 Ministry of Communication and Information scholarship.
2. India – International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIITB)
Applicants must take an online test organized by IIITB and will be facilitated by the Ministry of Communication and Information in May 2023 (the schedule will be informed later) with the following types of tests:
a. English proficiency;
b. General competence (a type of TPA);
c. Online interview with Admissions Team IIITB.
3. Hungary – Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)
Scholarship applicants are required to register at tertiary institutions independently to obtain a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) together with the scholarship application to the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. The deadline for applications to Eötvös Loránd University is April 10, 2023. Each applicant is required to take the entrance selection exam organized by ELTE.
4. The Netherlands – University of Twente
Scholarship applicants are required to register at tertiary institutions independently to obtain a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) together with the scholarship application to the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. The deadline for applications to Twente University is 1 May 2023 for the start of the September 2023 intake, and 1 October 2023 for the start of the February 2024 intake.
5. Japan – The University of Electro Communications (UEC)
Scholarship applicants are required to register and take part in the scholarship selection stage at the Ministry of Communication and Information in advance, together with preparing the university’s special requirements file. Each applicant is required to prepare a research proposal for enrollment at a UEC college.
2023 Overseas Masters Scholarship Program Requirements Document
Registration files that must be uploaded during registration to the Kominfo Scholarship website are as follows:
HR Development Team, email: or tel: 021-3810678 (admin: Anes) and MTI Fasilkom UI Academic Secretariat, email: or tel +62 21 310-6014.
Graduates from the MTI-Fasilkom UI study program will receive a Master of Information Technology (M.T.I.) degree. MTI-Fasilkom UI graduates are expected to have the ability and competence to bridge the IT and business/organizational fields. Graduates get added value in the form of the ability to solve Information Systems and Information Technology problems based on case study studies with academics and practitioners. In addition, participants gain expertise in articulating technical problems or solutions across organizations, as well as in business language.
Admission for new students for the 2023/2024 academic year has been opened. Information on admissions pathways and admissions schedules, as well as online registration for prospective new students in full can be accessed via the following links.