Campus Life

Fasilkom UI Student Life

Fasilkom UI is a campus and community of creative and accomplished people from all over the archipelago.

Fasilkom UI atmosphere is rich in tradition, not only in knowledge development, but also in creativity and leadership. This is illustrated by the various activities of student organizations (student activities) and student-run events on campus.

Autonomous Organizations & Bodies

Fasilkom UI offers various organizational platforms for students, starting from government students such as BEM and DPM, special-interest groups such as RISTEK and SISTEM, and religious groups such as FUKI, PO, and KMK.

Kepanitiaan Mahasiswa

Mahasiswa Fasilkom UI juga terlatih dalam mengorganisir acara-acara kemahasiswaan, mulai dari acara eksibisi IT terbesar mahasiswa se-Indonesia seperti COMPFEST, sampai dengan acara yang mendukung kegiatan promosi akademik fakultas seperti Open House Sarjana.


There are lots of options for on-campus mobility. Starting from yellow buses (bikun) which are integrated with Trans Jakarta to yellow bicycles (sekun) that can be used to get around on campus.


More than 500 car and motorbike parking spaces are available on the Fasilkom UI campus. Parking is available 24 hours with 24 hour security. The Fasilkom UI security team ensures that everything is under control.

Organizations and Autonomous Bodies

The Student Executive Board

The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) is a faculty-level student organization that carries out an executive role within Fasilkom UI.

Student Representative Council

The Fasilkom UI Student Representative Council (DPM) is an IKM Fasilkom UI institution that acts as a legislative body and has a judicial function. DPM has a vision of playing a thorough role in efforts to build a meaningful impression on IKM Fasilkom UI.


RISTEK is an independent organization at Fasilkom UI which aims to increase student interest and develop potential in technology so that students can contribute to technology.


SYSTEM is an organization at Fasilkom UI that specializes in research related to business, information technology, and information systems, as well as facilitating students who have an interest in these fields.

FUKI Fasilkom UI

FUKI (Forum for Ukhuwah and Islamic Studies) is a Faculty Da’wah Institute located at Fasilkom UI. FUKI has a vision of realizing FUKI as a harmonious and synergistic home for FASILKOM UI Muslims as well as being a leading role model in spreading Islam.

PO Fasilkom UI

The Eikumene Fellowship (PO) is a Fasilkom Christian student association. PO is open to all students from various sects or church denominations. PO has a vision to produce a person who makes God the center of his life, enjoys fellowship in God, and reflects the person of Christ in his life.

KMK Fasilkom UI

KMK Fasilkom UI is a forum for Fasilkom UI students who are Catholics to be able to share love with one another as the vision of KMK Fasilkom UI 2020, namely as a family based on love, nurturing one another, and getting closer to God.

Student Committee


Now, this is the biggest event at Fasilkom!! Compfest is an external IT event that is held annually by Fasilkom students. Who doesn’t want to join the Compfest committee? Here you can learn a lot about internal cooperation and also build connections with Fasilkom’s external sources.


Educare is a collection of series of student events that aim to help and facilitate students who are still confused in determining their career life. This Educare activity is suitable for students who want to participate in organizing a series of events such as seminars, job fairs, and others.


Graduation is a committee that organizes the implementation of graduation. Odd Graduation (Wisgan) is usually held at the beginning of the year while Even Graduation (Wisgen) is held in the middle of the year. For those of you who are curious about the preparation and implementation of graduation at Fasilkom, you can register to be the committee!


The Computer People’s Party (PERAK) is the largest internal event at Fasilkom which aims to maintain a sense of kinship between elements and as a place for refreshment from academic activities. There are lots of events at PERAK, from games, talent shows, nowatching together, and others. It’s really mandatory to register, because the PERAK event is really exciting!

Open House

The Fasilkom Open House is an external event that introduces Fasilkom to high school (or junior high school) friends and younger siblings who are still confused about choosing a major and want to know more about Fasilkom! If you want to introduce Fasilkom to your friends and spread information about Fasilkom, come join the OH!


BETIS is an event initiated by BEM Fasilkom Community Service Department. BETIS is not a calf on your leg, you know, BETIS is a free study guide for friends who want to enter a State University in the following year. For those of you who want to help teach friends who want to enter PTN, you are welcome to join the committee!

PMB Fasilkom UI

If you want to meet younger siblings who have just been accepted, it’s perfect to join this committee. PMB is exactly what its name suggests, namely coaching for new students. PMB is held annually to welcome new students as part of the Fasilkom family.


Pemira is a forum for leadership regeneration of the executive and legislative institutions at the Fasilkom and UI levels. Pemira is held as a forum for prospective leaders in IKM Fasilkom to nominate themselves. For those of you who have a democratic spirit, it’s perfect to join Pemira’s committee!

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Agenda Kegiatan Mahasiswa


Dialog Pimpinan UI dengan Sivitas Akademika Fasilkom UI

3:30 pm - 7:00 pmKampus Fasilkom UI Depok

Kajian Ramadhan 1446 H

12:00 pm - 1:00 pmKampus Fasilkom UI Depok