Program Studi

Doctor of Computer Science

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia > Doctor of Computer Science

Computer Science Doctoral Study Program

The Computer Science Doctoral Study Program (DIK) which was opened in 1998 was designed to produce graduates who have research skills in the field of Computer Science as a continuation of the master’s degree in Computer Science. Lectures for the DIK study program are held in the morning and afternoon at the Fasilkom UI Depok Campus.

The DIK study program emphasizes the integration between postgraduate education and research activities. Students are expected to be actively involved in research at the UI Faculty of Computer Science. The curriculum for the DIK study program is structured in such a way that students get the opportunity to gain extensive knowledge and research experience in the field of Computer Science. Choices of courses are provided so that students can arrange their educational programs according to their research. interests.

From a scientific and professional perspective, graduates from this study program are expected to have the following main competencies:

  • Able to create originality/renewal of the latest state-of-the-art developments in the field of computer science/computing.
  • Able to compile scientific articles and be published in international standard journals reviewed by experts in their fields.
  • Able to recommend solving complex problems in the field of computational science through inter, multi, and transdisciplinary approaches.
  • Demonstrate maturity in open-mindedness and responsiveness to developments in the field of computational science.
  • Able to manage, lead, and develop research in the field of computer science.

Accreditation Status


The accreditation status of the DIK Fasilkom UI study program according to the Informatics and Computer Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM INFOKOM) through Decree (SK) 006/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak/D/XII/2022 is SUPERIOR. This accreditation status is valid until 5 December 2027.

Vision and Mission of Study Program

Vision of Computer Science Doctoral Study Program


Referring to the Vision of UI and Fasilkom UI, the following is the Vision of the UI Computer Science Doctoral Study Program (DIK):


Becoming a study program that produces graduates who are able to conduct research to produce new breakthroughs in the development of knowledge and are able to transfer knowledge, as well as produce graduates who are independent and reliable in the field of Computer Science by always keeping abreast of global scientific developments.


Mission of Computer Science Doctoral Study Program


Based on the vision that has been formulated, the Mission of the DIK Fasilkom UI Study Program is as follows:

  1. To produce experts in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology who have high integrity and are reliable in the development of computer science

  2. Generate various innovations to solve problems encountered through research in the field of computer science

  3. Participate in increasing the nation’s competitiveness through research and education in the field of computer science while still being based on morals, ethics and character.

Length of Study

The Computer Science Doctoral study program can be completed in a minimum of 6 semesters and a maximum of 10 semesters. Click the following “Student Journey” button to listen to the expected milestones during the study period.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Obtain the approval of prospective supervisors.
  • Pass the University entrance screen written exam which consists of TPA and English.
  • Pass the written exam in the field of science and the interview exam at the Faculty level.
  • Conformity of proposed research topics with research lab activities at Fasilkom UI.
  • Research track record and academic background related to research direction.
  • Time and cost commitment to complete DIK studies properly.

Academic Requirements

Requirements that must be met by prospective students to register for the DIK program:

  1. Have a Masters degree (S2) with a background in a field (computer science / informatics, information systems, computer engineering) or related to the proposed research topic, with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 (on a scale of 4.00). For applicants whose educational background (S1 and S2) are not in the same field, they must first take part in the matriculation program for one or two semesters (determined by the prospective student selection team).

  2. Prospective students must obtain a written statement of the willingness of prospective supervisors (use the attached template) from a permanent lecturer at Fasilkom UI who has a doctoral degree with the Functional Position of Professor or Head Lector (Promoter) and Lector (Co-Promotor). In order to give this approval, the lecturer concerned may give independent assignments to test the suitability and feasibility of prospective students’ research potential, for example making a summary of a scientific paper, or presenting a particular topic. Prospective students need to contact prospective supervisors well in advance of the registration deadline. A list of lecturers who can guide DIK students can be seen on the Prospective Doctoral Student Advisor page.

Administrative Requirements

Follow the online registration system procedures that apply at UI ( and upload the scanned results of the following documents on the website:

  1. Certified master’s and bachelor’s certificates
  2. Notarized master’s and bachelor’s academic transcripts

Send additional files that have been submitted during the field exam in softcopy form (via email to

  1. Legalized master’s and bachelor’s certificates
  2. Legalized master’s and bachelor’s academic transcripts
  3. Sheet Research Statement (2-3 pages) containing statements of interest and research motivation.
  4. Letters of recommendation from two former supervisors or superiors regarding academic ability.
  5. Letter of permission from superiors (if at work).
  6. Complete CV showing track record related to research direction (template)
  7. A statement of ability to fulfill college financing obligations or a scholarship statement if you get a scholarship from an institution.
  8. A letter of willingness for prospective supervisors from one of the lecturers at the Faculty of Computer Science who has a doctorate (template) with detailed provisions as follows. Lecturers with the functional position of Professor or Associate Head as a Promoter candidate; Lecturers with a minimum functional position of Lector as Co-Promoter. Co-promoter is optional.
  9. Doctoral research proposal.

Note: Failure to upload one of the documents above causes the candidate to be disqualified in the registration process for the DIK Fasilkom UI study program.

Important Dates

The following is the schedule for implementing SIMAK UI registration.

SIMAK Gasal Batch 1:

17 February – 8 March 2023 (Registration)

March 12, 2023 (Exam)

April 11, 2023 (Announcement)


SIMAK Gasal Batch 2:

19 May – 26 June 2023 (Registration)

July 2, 2023 (Exam – Online method)

25 July 2023 (Announcement)



September – October 2023 (Registration)

November 2023 (Examination)

December 2023 (Announcement)


  • Basic exam materials in Computing Science include: Networks and Operating Systems, Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures, Mathematics and Computing Theory, & Information Systems.
  • Participants are asked to reconfirm with the academic secretariat to confirm the date of the interview.
  • Participants are asked to prepare a PPT Presentation (brief) which describes the research statement, research interests and motivation of the participants on experience/track record of previous education and research.
  • The interview time is approximately (one) hour, the day and date will be adjusted to the time availability of the prospective student selection team.
  • Not all prospective students will be invited for an interview. The authority to invite is on the prospective student selection team.


The curriculum for the Computer Science Doctoral Study Program (DIK) is designed and structured in such a way that students get the opportunity to gain extensive knowledge and experience doing research in the fields of information and communication technology (ICT) such as computer science, information systems, software engineering, and others. The curriculum for the DIK Study Program is designed to be completed in 6 semesters, and the longest is 10 semesters, carried out with a study load of 46 credits.

Distribution of Current DIK Curriculum Subjects (Based on PR UI No. 16 of 2016)

Semester 1

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSGE900980 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing 4
CSGE900979 Philosophy of Science, Methodology & Ethics 2
CSCM901091 Independent Study 1/Advanced Specialization Course 4

Semester 2

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM901092 Independent Study 2/Advanced Specialization Course 4
CSCM900981 Independent Study 3/Advanced Specialization Course 4

Semester 3

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM901093 Research Proposal Examination 6

Semester 4

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM900982 Research Results Exam 8

Semester 5

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM900983 Scientific Papers and Pre Promotion Session 10

Semester 6

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM900984 Promotion Session 8

Distribution of New DIK Curriculum Subjects (Based on PR UI No. 8 of 2021)

Semester 1

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSGE900980 Research methodology 4
CSGE900979 Philosophy of Science, Methodology & Ethics 2
CSCM901091 Independent Study 4

Semester 2

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM901092 MK Advanced Specialization 1 4
CSCM900981 Research Proposal Examination 6

Semester 3

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM901093 MK Advanced Specialization 2 4
CSGE900301 Publication 4

Semester 4

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM900982 Results Seminar Exam 6

Semester 5

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM900983 Closed Exam 6

Semester 6

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM900984 Promotion Session 6

Specialization Courses

Specialization courses in the Doctoral study program can be selected from the interest field courses offered in the Computer Science Masters (MIK) study program. Students can also conduct in-depth studies on certain topics by taking Independent Study courses. Below are courses of interest in the 2020 MIK curriculum divided into two areas of interest, namely: Computer Science and Information Systems.

Computer Science

Information Systems

Research Laboratory

The implementation of the DIK study program cannot be separated from the intensive research activities that take place at the UI Faculty of Computer Science. The ongoing research activities are carried out by seven research labs, namely:

Prospective Supervisor of Computer Science Doctoral Program

The supervisor or promoter in the Computer Science Doctoral Program must be a permanent teaching staff with doctoral education with the functional position of Professor or Associate Professor. The Promoter can also be assisted by one or two Co-Promoters with a minimum functional position of Lector. Prospective supervisors can be seen on the on the Supervisor List page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do prospective students need to prepare to register and study Doctor of Computer Science?

  • Do your own study and research before you apply for a Doctorate/S3. Read international dissertations and journals/papers related to topics of interest. Through this, you will get more mature ideas and insights to prepare a doctoral research proposal.
  • Choose and determine research topics that are in line with your passion. Make sure you prepare topics that you like and are interested in. Doctoral studies will take 3 – 5 years, so make sure you do research that you like according to your passion, as well as research that is useful for society.

How can I contact potential mentors?

  • A list of lecturers who can mentor Computer Science Doctoral students can be seen on the Advisory Lecturer List Tab/Menu
  • Information about the research lab at Fasilkom UI can be seen here
  • Tips for contacting prospective mentors:
  • Pay attention to the area of ​​interest/expertise of the prospective supervisor, which is also in line with your interests and research topic
  • Contact prospective mentors well in advance of the registration deadline. Keep trying and don’t give up easily if you haven’t received a response from the relevant supervisor candidate. In order to give approval, the lecturer in question can give independent assignments to test the suitability and feasibility of prospective student research potential, for example making a scientific paper summary, or presenting a particular topic.

For the Basic Examination in Computer Science, what materials are tested?

  • Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Discrete Mathematics, and Software Engineering.

For Interview Exams and Research Statement Discussions, what materials do prospective students need to prepare?

  • Prepare a short 15 minute presentation material, which can show/explain:

Research statements. The research statement does not have to be a research proposal that will be carried out in doctoral studies, but this research statement will provide an overview to the interviewing team about the readiness of prospective students to undergo doctoral studies.

For learning references, how can Prospective Students see the curriculum for related lecture material at Fasilkom?

You can look through the Panduan Kurikulum 2017

Is the Doctor of Computer Science study program accredited?

  • The Computer Science Doctoral Program has been accredited Superior by LAM INFOKOM.

Kontak Fasilkom UI

Hubungan Masyarakat

Gedung A, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universias Indonesia, Depok, 
Jawa Barat

+62 21 786 3419

Senin – Jum’at 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Graduate Profile

From a scientific and professional perspective, graduates from this study program are expected to have the following characteristics:

  1. Be open and responsive to the development of science and technology, especially regarding computer science.
  2. Able to recognize and observe problems in the field of Computer Science, as well as approach and scientific reasoning to find solutions.
  3. Able to develop further Computer Science so as to achieve a higher academic degree.

Admission for new students for the 2023/2024 school year has been opened. Information on admissions pathways and admissions schedules, as well as online registration for prospective new students in full can be accessed via the following links.