IKI-40991: Seminar

Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim
Agustus 2004 - Januari 2005

Jadual Kuliah, Ujian, dan Bobot Penilaian

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Penjelasan Umum

Sasaran Pembelajaran


Mata ajar akan diberikan dengan metoda diskusi kelompok. Pada awal semester, pada setiap pertemuan akan didiskusikan/dikaji sebuah makalah secara bersama-sama. Setelah pertengahan semester, pada setiap pertemuan akan didiskusikan/dikaji delapan artikel. Setiap kelompok akan membahas satu artikel. Dalam satu semester diharapkan akan dapat membahas sekurangnya 5 artikel secara rinci; serta membahas sekurangnya 46 artikel lainnya.

Pada pertemuan berikutnya, setiap kelompok mengumpulkan ringkasan makalah pertemuan sebelumnya dalam bentuk cetak (1-3 halaman) dan serta format PDF (dalam disket).


Lihat juga URL intranet ini dan How to Read a Book.

  1. Penelitian Bidang Sistem Informasi Managemen di Indonesia (SIMDI): Quo Vadis? -- oleh Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim.
  2. Grounded Theory Methodology as a Research Strategy for a Developing Country by Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim (FQS 1:1, 2000).
  3. Research Commentary: Desparately Seeking the ''IT'' in IT Research -- a call to theorizing the IT Artifact by W. Orlikowski and C. Iacono (ISR 12:2 2001).
  4. Dealing with Plagiarism in the Information Systems Research Community -- A Look at Factors that Drive Plagiarism and Ways to Address Them by Ned Kock and Robert Davison (MISQ 27:4 2003).
  5. The Identity Crisis Within the IS Discipline: Defining and Communicating the Discipline's Core Properties by Izak Benbasat and Robert W. Zmud (MISQ 27:2 2003).
  6. Information Systems as a Reference Discipline by Richard L. Baskerville and Michael D. Myers (MISQ 26:1 2002).
  7. Power, Politics, and MIS Implementation by M. Lynne Markus (CACM 26:6 1983).
  8. Untangling the Relationship Between Displayed Emotions and Organizational Sales -- The Case of Convenience Stores -- by Robert Sutten, Anat Rafaeli (AMJ 31:3 1988).
  9. Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis by Burrel, G. and Morgan, G. (Heineman 1979 Chap. 1-3 pp. 1-37).
  10. "Studying Information Technology in Organization: Research Approaches and Assumptions." by Orlikowski, W.J., and Baroudi, J.J. (Information Systems Research 2 1991 pp. 1-28).
  11. "Technology as an Ocasion for Structuring: Evidence from Observation of CT Scanners and the Social Order of Radiology", by Barley, S.R (Administrative Science Quarterly, 31, 1986, pp. 78-108).
  12. "Images of Imaging: Notes on Doing Longitudional Field Work," Barley, S.R (Organization Science 1:3 1990 pp 220-247).
  13. "Symbolic Proseses in the Implementation of Technological Change: A Symbolic Interactionist Study of Work Computerization," by Prasad, P (Academi of Management Journal, 36, 1993, pp 1400-1429).
  14. "Improvising Organizational Transformation over Time: A Situated Change Perspective," by Orlikowski, W.J. (Information Systems Research, 7, 1996, pp. 63-92)
  15. Building Theories From Case Study Research by Eisenhardt, Kathleen (AMR 14:4 1989).
  16. What Constitutes A Theoretical Contribution? by David A. Whetten (AMR 14:4 1989).
  17. Theory Construction As Disciplined Imagination by Weick, Karl E (AMR 14:4 1989).
  18. Conducting Research in Information Systems by A.R. Dennis and J.S. Valacich (CAIS 7:5 2001).
  19. Selecting Research Topics: Personal Experiences and Speculations for the Future by S. Alter and A. R. Dennis (CAIS 8:21 2002).
  20. Management Information Systems Research: What s There in a Methodology? by P. Palvia, E. Mao, A.F. Salam, and K.S. Soliman (CAIS 11 2003).
  21. How To Survive A Management Assessment by Gerald L. Matlin. (MISQ March 1977).
  22. Group Participation In MIS Project Teams? Let's Look at the Contingencies First! by Stanley F. Biggs (MISQ March 1978).
  23. Firm Size and the Characteristics of Computer Use by William H. Delone (MISQ 5:4 Desember 1981).
  24. "Seeding the Line": Understanding The Transition from IT to Non-IT Careers by Reich and Kaarst Brown (MISQ 23:3 1999)
  25. Understanding Network Effects in Software Markets: Evidence from Web Server Pricing by John M. Gallaugher dan Yu-Ming Wang (MISQ 26:4 Desember 2002).
  26. Case Studies of End User Requirements for Interactive Problem-Solving Systems by Eric D. Carlson, Barbara F.Grace, Sutton (MISQ March 1977).
  27. Uses and Consequences of Electronic Markets: An Empirical Investigation in the Aircraft Parts Industry by Vivek Choudhury, Kathleen S. Hartzel, Benn R. Knosynski. (MISQ December 1998).
  28. Customer loyalty in e-commerce by David Gefen (JAIS).
  29. Computers and the Frustrated Chief Executive by James N. Danziger (MISQ June 1977).
  30. Total Customer Relationship by W.R. Synnott (MISQ September 1978).
  31. Principles and Models For Organizing The IT Function by Ritu Agarwal and V. Sambamurthy (MISQ Executive 1:1 Maret 2002).
  32. Beta versus VHS and The Acceptance of Electronic Brainstorming Technology by Dennis dan Reinicke (MISQ Vol 28:1 2004).
  33. Web-Based Virtual Learning Environments: A Research Framework and A Preliminary Assessment of Effectiveness in Basic IT Skills Training by Gabriele Piccoli, Rami Ahmad, dan Blake Ives. (MISQ 25:4 Desember 2001).
  34. Information Systems Support for Group Planning and Decision-Making Activities by Margaret A. Rathwell dan Alan Burns (MISQ September 1985).
  35. One Road to Turnover: An Examination of Work Exhaustion in Technology Profesionals by Jo Ellen Moore (MISQ 24:1 March 2000).
  36. Retailer website influence on customer shopping: an exploratory study on key factors of customer satisfaction by J.P. Shim (JAIS).
  37. Virtualness and Knowledge in Teams: Managing the Love Triangle of Organizations, Individuals, and Information Technology by Terri L. Griffith, John E. Sawyer, Margaret A. Neale, (MISQ 27:2 June 2003)
  38. Information Systems as a Reference Discipline for New Product Development by Satish Nambisan. (MISQ 27:1 March 2003).
  39. Investigating the Role of Information Technology in Building Buyer-Supplier Relationship by Varun Grover (JAIS 3 2002).
  40. Can Humans Detect Errors in Data? Impact of Base Rates, Incentives, and Goals by Klein dan Goodhue (MISQ 21:2 1997).
  41. Trust and TAM in Online Shopping: An Integrated Model by David Geffen, Elena Karahanna, dan Detmar W. Straub (MISQ 27:1 Maret 2003).
  42. Knowledge Management in Pursuit of Performance: Insights from Networks by Anne P. Massey, Monoya-Weiss, and O'Driscoll). (MISQ 26:3 September 2002).
  43. From the Vendor's Perspective: Exploring the Value Proposition in Information Technology Outsourcing by Natalia Levina & Jeanne W. Ross (MISQ 27:3 September 2003).
  44. A Gift from the Gods? Components of Information Technological Fatalism Determinism in Several Cultures -- by Paul Licker. (EJISDC 7:1 2001)

Rencana Diskusi

  1. Kamis, 9 September 2004, 13:00-15:40: [1, 2, 3]
  2. Kamis, 16 September 2004, 13:00-15:40: [3]
  3. Kamis, 23 September 2004, 13:00-15:40: [4]
  4. Kamis, 30 September 2004, 13:00-15:40: [5]

  5. Kamis, 7 Oktober 2004, 13:00-15:40: [6]
  6. Kamis, 14 Oktober 2004, 13:00-15:40: [7, 8]
  7. Kamis, 21 Oktober 2004, 13:00-15:40: [9, 10]
  8. Kamis, 28 Oktober 2004, 13:00-15:40: [11, 12]

  9. Kamis, 25 November 2004, 13:00-15:40: [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]

  10. Kamis, 2 Desember 2004, 13:00-15:40: [21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]
  11. Kamis, 9 Desember 2004, 13:00-15:40: [29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]
  12. Kamis, 16 Desember 2004, 13:00-15:40: [37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44]
  13. Kamis, 23 Desember 2004, 13:00-15:40: Diskusi Penutup.
    • Setiap kelompok menyiapkan bahan diskusi evaluasi seminar ini, serta usulan-usulan untuk penyelenggaraan seminar serupa pada semester berikutnya.
    • Silakan mengusulkan makalah yang anda anggap menarik, serta silakan mengubah urutan penyampaian seluru makalah.
    • Silakan juga membahas pengalaman pribadi, persepsi awal, serta perubahan yang terjadi selama seminar ini.

Tata Tertib

Sejalan dengan aturan-aturan Fakultas, diantaranya Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia no. 1007/SK/PT02.H4.FASILKOM/PP/1/1998 tentang Tata Tertib Peserta Ujian Tengah Semester dan Ujian Akhir Semester, ketentuan mengikuti kuliah IKI-40991 ini sebagai berikut:

  • Setiap peserta harus membaca dan memahami edaran ini, dengan menanda-tangani potongan lembaran di bawah ini.
  • Setiap peserta harus hadir tepat waktu sesuai jadual yang telah ditetapkan.
  • Setiap peserta mendapatkan dua kali kesempatan untuk terlambat. Selain itu, peserta yang terlambat (atau keluar kelas) TIDAK diperkenankan masuk (hingga JEDA). Keterlambatan/absen mempengaruhi nilai ''partisipasi''.
  • Harap mematikan segala alat elektronis seperti deringan ponsel. Gangguan tersebut akan sangat mempengaruhi nilai ''partisipasi'' (terutama ujian lisan).
  • Sangat dianjurkan untuk tidak kebelakang (membuang air) pada saat kuliah/ujian berlangsung.
  • Ketentuan khusus ujian lisan:
    • Harap menandatangani daftar hadir, serta memperlihatkan kartu pengenal berfoto seperti KTM, SIM, atau KTP.
    • Membawa alat tulis-menulis secukupnya.
    • Mengundurkan diri dengan alasan "tidak sehat" hanya dapat dilakukan sebelum ujian dimulai.
    • Pelanggaran ringan dapat berakibat pemotongan nilai ujian hingga 30%.
    • Pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan tata tertib ujian lainnya akan dilaporkan kepada Wakil Dekan I.


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Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim