TCP/IP: Cisco ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Brim (7 May 86): I have an introductory blurb from Cisco, a company marketing an IP gateway developed at Stanford. Does anyone have a phone number for the company? Any detailed information on how the product behaves, what its advantages and shortcomings are, what interfaces it supports, etc.? Thanks very much, Scott ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill William (8 May 1986): cisco Systems, Inc PO Box 475 Menlo Park, CA, 94026 (415) 326-1941 5106016967 (telex) They sell the IP gateway, a terminal server (talks TCP), and the MEIS, a massbus ethernet interface (eg for 20's). The gateway supports "Sun" 3Mb ethernet interfaces, 3com 10Mb interfaces, Interlan/micom 10Mb interfaces, ACC 1822 interfaces, and 56Kbps serial links, and others (up to 4 at once). The box is multibus based, so other interface support is feasible. Full support of IP, TCP, ICMP, EGP, ARP, Subnets, etc, and "IGP" (Internal Gateway Protocol (supports multipath routing, etc)). Stanford has about 25 of the "non-production" version linking together their 60 odd cable segments, along with about 60 of the "terminal servers". It all works quite well. Disclaimer: I dont for for cisco, but my boss does. I DO work for Stanford. BillW ----------------------------------------------------------------------- J. Noel Chiappa (9 May 86): Are there working examples of the EGP and ARPANet interface, or is that merely an announced product? Noel ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Doug Faunt (10 May 86; info on cisco) Phone number is 415-326-1941. IP gateway is 1-4 way, currently supports IP/TCP and V.35. Coming soon is T1 and DECNET-IP. Price is $7950 for -----------------------------------------------------------------------