Empirical Research in IS: The Practice of Relevance

Empirical Research in IS
The Practice of Relevance
from MISQ (31:1) 1999
by Izak Benbasat dan Robert W. Zmud
Table 1. Dimensions of Relevance (p. 13)
Category Dimensions
of Relevance
Interesting Does Information Systems (IS) research address the problems or challenges that are of concern to IS professionals?
Applicable Does IS research produce the knowledge and offer prescription that can be utilized by practitioners?
Current Does IS research focus on current, at the time of publication, thechnologies, and business issues?
Accessible Are IS research articles able to be understood (in terms of tone, style, structure, and semantics) by IS professionals? Are they written in a style that professionals would enjoy reading?

Table 2. Recommendations to Attain Relevance (p. 14)
Recommendations Dimensions
of Relevance
1. Focus on future interestes of key stakeholders. Interesting
2. Identify topics from IS practice. Interesting
3. Identify, as an academic community, the core research issues that can influence practice in the future. Current
4. Focus on the likely outcome (that can influence practice) rather than on inputs (academic and intellectual challenges) when choosing a research project. Interesting
5. Develop cumulative, theory-based, context rich bodies of research to be able to make prescriptions and be proactive. Applicable
6. Develop frames of references to organize phenomena and provide contingency approaches to managerial action. Applicable
7. Potray research outputs in ways practitioners can utilize to justify and retionalize IT related decisions. Applicable
8. Use clear, simple, and concise style in the write-up. Accessible
9. Set the goal of publishing manuscript as being both rigorous and relevant. Interesting

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