Wagner, Jennifer L., and Benham, Harry C.
Career Paths in Information Systems: A Longitudinal Analysis.
ACM SIGCPR Conference, St. Louis, MS, April 1-3
[HD9696 *Com.Asp SCMS, ISBN: 0-89791-573-9].
Wahid, Abdurrahman.
Anwar, Mahathir, dan Kita di Indonesia.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, October 03.
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Wahid, Abdurrahman.
Anwar, UMNO, dan Islam di Malaysia.
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Jakarta, October 20.
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Wahid, Abdurrahman.
Perjalanan Romo yang Bijak.
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Jakarta, February 11.
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Wahid, Abdurrahman.
"Catenaccio" Hanyalah Alat Belaka.
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Wahidayat, Iskandar.
Pendidikan Program Doktor (S-3) di Indonesia.
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Wahyono, S. Bayu.
Bahasa Indonesia dan Masyarakat Kreatif.
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Wallace, Ruth A., and Wolf, Alison.
Contemporary Sociological Theory.
Prentice Hall, 5th ed., pp. 450.
[HM51 Wal CLMS, ISBN 0-1378-7656-4]
Keywords: Sociology, Philosophy
MEMO: Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interacionism, Phenomenology, Rational Choice
Weick, Karl E.
The Social Psychology of Organizing.
Addison-Wesley, 2nd ed., pp. 283.
[HM131 Wei HLMS, ISBN 0-2010-8591-7]
MEMO: Organization - Psychological Aspects
Weisberg, D. Kelley.
The Stages of Friendship Formation.
In Examples of Grounded Theory: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 380-398.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: 1973
Wellman, Barry, and Berkowitz, S.D.
Social Structures: a Network Approach.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 513.
[HM73 Soi HSMS, ISBN 0-5212-8687-5]
MEMO: Social Network
West, Gilly, and Glaser, Barney G.
New Identities and Family Life: A Study of Mothers Going to College.
In Examples of Grounded Theory: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 94-125.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
West, Gilly.
Having Cancer: A Hostile Takeover.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 189-207.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
West, Candace, and Zimmerman, Don H.
Doing Gender.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 759-785.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Whyte, William F.
Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian slum.
University of Chicago Press, 4nd ed., pp. 398.
[HV6439 Uni.W CLMS, ISBN 0-2268-9544-0]
MEMO: Case Study Classic
Wicaksana, Inu.
Mencermati "Hedonisme" pada Kaum Muda Masa Kini.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, Desember 10.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9612/10/OPINI/menc.htm].
Widiastono, Tonny A.
Indonesia Memang Lain dari yang Lain.
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Wiener, Carolyn, Strauss, Anselm, Fagerhaug, Shizuko, and Suczek, Barbara.
Trajectories, Biographies, and the Evolving Medical Technical Scene -- Labor and Delivery and the Intensive Care Nursery.
In Grounded Theory in Practice (Strauss, Anselm L., and Corbin, Juliet editor),
Sage, pp. 229-250.
[RA418 Gro CLMS, ISBN 0-7619-0747-5].
MEMO: From Sociology of Health & Illness, 1(3), 261-283, 1979
Williamson, A.M., Gower, C.G.I., and Clarke, B.C.
Changing the Hour of Shiftwork - A Comparison of 8-Hour and 12-Hour Shift Rosters in A Group of Computer Operators.
Ergonomics, 37(2), pp. 287-298.
[TA166 E CL, ISSN 0014-0139].
Willoughby, Jayne, and Keating, Norah.
Being in Control: The Process of Caring for a Relative with Alzheimer's Disease.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 281-300.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: From Qualitative Health Research (:1) Feb 1991
Wilson, Holly Skodol.
Limiting Intrusion: Social Control of Outsiders in a Healing Community.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 355-375.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: From Nursing Research, March-April 1977 (26:2)
Wilson, Holly Skodol.
Infra Controlling: The Social Order of Freedom in an Anti-Psychiatric Community.
In Gerund Grounded Theory: The Basic Social Process Dissertation (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 104-114.
[HM48 Ger CLMS, -].
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: Ph.D thesis summary 1974 UCSF
Wijaya, Krisna.
Masalah Penurunan Suku Bunga Pinjaman.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, November 06.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9611/06/OPINI/masa.htm].
Winarno, Bondan.
Telekerja: Salah Satu Alternatif Atasi Kemacetan Lalu Lintas.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, October 03.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9610/03/OPINI/tele.htm].
Wiryana, I Made.
Jangan Lupakan Manusia Dalam Abad Informasi.
Jakarta, March 09.
[WAS: http://satunet.com/artikel/isi/00/03/09/8784.html].
Wiseman, Jacqueline P.
In More Grounded Theory Methodology: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 335-359.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Witoelar, Wimar.
Asal Usul: Ramai-ramai Beli Mobil Nasional.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, January 05.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9701/05/NAPER/asal.htm].
Witoelar, Wimar.
Asal Usul: Tidak Ikut 17 Agustusan.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, August 31.
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Witoelar, Wimar.
Asal Usul: Soros dan Sosro.
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Witoelar, Wimar.
Asal Usul: Namanya Tri.
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Wood, Evelyn Nielsen, and Barrows, Marjorie Wescott.
Reading Skills.
Holt, pp. 246.
[808.54W85, ISBN -]
MEMO: (pp. 15) Handicaps: one word at a time, reread, lips moving, too slow, strange words, how to sound, meaning, grouping
Wuest, Judith.
Feminist Grounded Theory: An Exploration of The Congruency and Tensions Between Two Traditions in Knowledge Discovery.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 745-757.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: From Qualitative Health Research (5) February 1995 p. 125-137