Abernathy, W.J. and Chakravarthy, B.S.
Government Intervention and Innovation in Industry: A Policy Framework.
Sloan Management Review, 20(3), pp. 4-17.
[HD28 SMM HMLBP, ISSN 0019-848X].
Aharoni, Yair.
Globalization of Professional Business Services.
In Coalitions and Competition: The Globalization of Professional Business Services (Aharoni, Yair editor),
Routledge, - ed., pp. 1-26.
[-, ISBN -].
Ali, Novel.
Meragukan Ideologi Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, April 01.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9704/01/OPINI/mera.htm].
Ali, Fahry.
Sebuah Refleksi Politik Ekonomi: Ginandjar dan Gagasan Kerakyatan.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, October 31.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9610/31/OPINI/gina.htm].
Ali, Novel.
Komunikasi Tanpa Nurani.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, October 27.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/kompas-cetak/9810/27/OPINI/komi45.htm].
Anwar, H. Rosihan.
In Memoriam: Jendral Soemitro.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, May 12.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9805/12/OPINI/inme45.htm].
Arifin, Syamsul.
Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dalam Kajian Keislaman.
Republika Online,
Jakarta, October 25.
[WAS: http://www.republika.co.id/9610/25/25SOSIAL.061.html].
Aziz, M. Amin.
Widjojonomics dan Habibienomics: Sama-sama Diperlukan ?.
Republika Online,
Jakarta, October 14.
[WAS: http://www.republika.co.id/9610/14/14AMIN-1.061.html].
Feyerabend, Paul K.
On The Critique of Scientific Reason.
In Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos (Cohen, R. S., Feyerabend, P. K., and Wartofsky, M. W editor),
D. Reidel Pub., pp. 109-143.
[Q175 Bsps 39 CLMS, ISBN 9-0277-0654-9].
Feyerabend, Paul K.
Against Method -- Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge.
Verso, pp. 339.
[Q175 Fey CLMS, ISBN 0-8609-1700-2]
MEMO: Paul, why don't you write down all your strange idea? -- Imre Lakatos
See also the Against Method Memo Page.
Feynman, Richard P.
"Surely You"re Joking, Mr. Feynman!".
Bantam Books, pp. 322.
[QC16 Fey SCMS/CLMS, ISBN 0-5532-5649-1]
MEMO: Must Read
(p. 308) Cargo Cult Science
Giddens, Anthony.
The Constitution of the Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration.
Polity Press, pp. 402.
[HM24 Gid CLRBR, ISBN 0-7456-0007-7]
Giddens, Anthony.
New Rules of Sociological Method -- A Positive Critique of Interpretative Sociologies.
Polity Press, pp. 186.
[HM24 Gid CLMS, ISBN 0-7456-1116-8]
MEMO: about "method" in the sense in which social philosophers characteristically employ the term - the sense in which Durkheim used it in his Rules of Social Method [p. viii].
Interpretative sociologies are strong on action, but weak on structure
[p. 4].
Giddens, Anthony.
Norton, 3rd ed., pp. 426.
[HM51 Gid CL RBR, ISBN 0-7456-1802-2]
Glaser, Barney G.
Organizational Careers: A Sourcebook for Theory.
Aldine Pub., pp. 468.
[HB2581 Gla CLCS, -]
MEMO: Edited Book: (1) since so much of what we all do is linked with organizations, it is very important to consider an organizational career as a special entity and develop our understanding of it.
Jermier, John M.
"When the Sleeper Wakes": A Short Story Extending Themes in Radical Organization Theory.
Journal of Management, 11(2), pp. 67-80.
[HD28 JM HLBP, 0149-2063].
Keywords: Critical Theory
MEMO: Short story genre for communicating knowledge!
Krugman, Paul.
Does Third World Growth Hurt First World Prosperity?.
Harvard Business Review, pp. 113-121.
[HF5001 HBR HMBP, ISSN 0017-8012].
, July-August.
MEMO: Contrary to popular opinion, the economic development of the Thirld World does not threaten the First World
The world economy is a system -- a complex web of feedback
relationships -- not a simple chain of one-way effects (p. 114).
Productivity gains in one part ot the world may either help or hurt
the rest of the world (p. 117). Despite the limited "brain drain"
from South to North, most labor does not move internationally (p. 118).
Krugman, Paul.
A Country Is Not a Company.
Harvard Business Review, pp. 40-51.
[HF5001 HBR HMBP, ISSN 0017-8012].
, January-February.
MEMO: Why businesspeople don't necessarily make great economists
Many people believe that someone who has made a personal fortune will
know how to make an entire nation more prosperous (p.41).
A country that attracts a lot of foreign investment will necessarily
run a trade deficit (p. 42). A Corporate leader succeds by finding
the right strategies, not by developing a theory of the corporation
(p. 43). The U.S economy is the ultimate conglomerate, with tens
of thousands of distinct lines of business (p. 44).
Will a business leader want to review material taught in freshman
economics courses (p. 48) ? Even the largest business is a very open
system; a nation economy is a closed system (p. 50).
Kuhn, Thomas S.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
Univ. of Chicago Press, 3nd ed., pp. 212.
[Q175 Kuh, ISBN 0-2264-5808-3]
Lakatos, Imre.
Proof and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery.
New York, pp. 174.
[QA8.4 Lak CLMS, ISBN 0-5212-1078-X]
Merton, Robert K.
The Ambivalence of Scientist.
In Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos (Cohen, R. S., Feyerabend, P. K., and Wartofsky, M. W editor),
D. Reidel Pub., pp. 433-455.
[Q175 Bsps 39 CLMS, ISBN 9-0277-0654-9].
Muench, Richard.
Sociological Theory.
[HM24 Mun CLMS, ISBN 0-8304-1394-4]
Pettigrew, Thomas F.
How to Think Like a Social Scientist.
Harper Collins, pp. 198.
[H61 Pet CLMS, ISBN 0-6739-9709-X]
Pfeffer, Jeffrey.
Power in Organizations.
Pitman Pub., pp. 391.
[HM131 Pfe CLMS/HLMS, ISBN 0-2730-1638-5]
Rosenberg, Nathan.
Exploring the black box; technology, economics, and history.
Cambridge University Press, 1st ed., pp. 274.
[T173.8 Ros HMLMS, ISBN 0-521-45270-8]
Rousseau, Denise M..
Psychological contracts in organizations: Understanding written and unwritten agreements.
Sage Publications, 1st ed., pp. 999.
[HD58.7 Rou HMLMS, ISBN 0-8039-7105-2]
Schellenberg, Kathryn.
The Pendulum Swing: A Case Study of High-Tech Turbulence and Turnover.
Case Study, Turnover thesis
in Department of Sociology
at The University of Utah.
[HF345*UMI 916 HMLMS].
Shelley, Rex.
Sounds and Sins of Singlish.
Times Books International, - ed., pp. 182.
[PL5149 She.So HMLGRS, ISBN 9-8120-4392-6]
MEMO: Singlish "guide" :-)
Sugalski, Thomas D., Manzo, Louis S., and Meadows, Jim L.
Resource Link: Re-Establishing the Employment Relationship in an Era of Downsizing.
Human Resource Management, 34(3), pp. 389-403.
[HF5549 HRM HM, ISSN 0090-4848].
Smelser, Neil J.
Problematics of Sociology - The George Simmel Lectures, 1995.
University of California Press, pp. 111.
[HM24 Sme CLMS, ISBN 0-5202-0675-4]
Strauss, Anselm L.
Creating Sociological Awareness -- Collective Images and Symbolic Representations.
Transaction Publisers, pp. 483.
[HM51 Str CLMS, ISBN 0-88738-355-6]
MEMO: with a foreword by Irving Louis Horowitz.
Thomson, Rosemary, and Mabey, Christopher.
Developing Human Resources.
Butterworth Heinemann, 1st ed., pp. 242.
[HF5549.5 Tra.T HMLMS, ISBN 0-7506-1824-8]
Wallace, Ruth A., and Wolf, Alison.
Contemporary Sociological Theory.
Prentice Hall, 5th ed., pp. 450.
[HM51 Wal CLMS, ISBN 0-1378-7656-4]
Keywords: Sociology, Philosophy
MEMO: Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interacionism, Phenomenology, Rational Choice
Weick, Karl E.
The Social Psychology of Organizing.
Addison-Wesley, 2nd ed., pp. 283.
[HM131 Wei HLMS, ISBN 0-2010-8591-7]
MEMO: Organization - Psychological Aspects
Wellman, Barry, and Berkowitz, S.D.
Social Structures: a Network Approach.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 513.
[HM73 Soi HSMS, ISBN 0-5212-8687-5]
MEMO: Social Network
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