Latham, Gary P., Erez, Miriam, and Locke, Edwin A.
Resolving Scientific Disputes by the Joint Design of Crucial Experiments by the Antagonists: Application to the Erze-Latham Dispute Regarding Participation in Goal Setting.
Journal of Applied Psychology Monograph, 73(4), pp. 753-772.
[BF1 JAP CLBP, ISSN 0021-9010].
Keywords: Result Dispute
MEMO: Dispute Source: different cultural background
Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix.
Qualitative Analysis - Historical and Critical Essays.
Boston, pp. 457.
[H62 Laz CLMS]
Keywords: Qualitative Analysis, Social Science
MEMO: Historical Essays, Critical Sociology, Qualitative Research Techniques
Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix, and Theilens Jr, W.
A Measure of Apprehension.
In Examples of Grounded Theory: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 484-502.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: The Academic Mind: Social Scientists in a Time of Crisis 1958 Ch. 3
Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix, and Theilens Jr, W.
The Nature of Apprehension.
In Examples of Grounded Theory: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 503-520.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: The Academic Mind: Social Scientists in a Time of Crisis 1958 Ch. 4
Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix.
Analyzing The Relations Between Variables.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 83-102.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix, and Thielens, Wagner.
The Academic Mind.
Illinois, pp. 460.
[LB2332 Laz CLCS]
Keywords: Social Science
Leedy, Paul D.
Practical Research - Planning and Design.
Macmillan, 5th ed., pp. 348.
[fQ180.55 Met.L CLMS, ISBN 0-0236-9242-1]
Lee, Judith L.
Doing Time: Altered Perception of Time in Prison.
In Examples of Grounded Theory: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 283-308.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Lee, Kuan Yew.
The Singapore Story -- Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew.
Singapore, pp. 680.
[DS599.51 Lee CLMS HMLS, ISBN 9-8120-4983-5]
Lee, Thomas W., and Mowday, Richard T.
Voluntary Leaving an Organization: An Empirical Investigation of Steers and Mowday"s Model of Turnover.
Academy of Management Journal, 30(3), pp. 721-743.
[HD28 AMJ HMLBP, ISSN 0001-4273].
Leidner, Dorothy E., and Jarvenpaa, Sirkka L.
The Information Age Confronts Education: Case Studies on Electronic Classrooms.
Information Systems Research, 4(1), pp. 24-54.
[T58.6 ISR SC, ISSN 1047-7047].
Leksono-Supeli, Karlina.
Kebebasan Berkosmologi -- "Contact" dan "2001: Space Odyssy".
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, March 01.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9803/01/SENI/cont13.htm].
Lempert, Lora Bex.
The Line in the Sand -- Definitional Dialogues in Abusive Relationships.
In Grounded Theory in Practice (Strauss, Anselm L., and Corbin, Juliet editor),
Sage, pp. 147-170.
[RA418 Gro CLMS, ISBN 0-7619-0747-5].
MEMO: From Studies in Symbolic Interaction 18
Lewis, Clinton et.al. (ed.).
The Oxford Atlas.
Oxford, pp. -.
[-, ISBN -]
Li, Cheng.
Staff sizing and schedulling in a service industry.
- thesis
in School of Bussiness
at Indiana University.
Liddel-Hart, Basil Henry.
The German General Talks.
New York, pp. 308.
[D757 Lid CLMS, -]
MEMO: vM: I had learned how to keep (fuehrer) to the point, and maintain my own argument (p. 296)
Linstone, Harold A., and Turroff, Murray.
The Delphi Method -- Techniques and Applications.
Reading, MA, pp. 620.
[-, -]
MEMO: Delphi is concerned with the utilization of experts opinions (p. xix).
Lipnack, Jessica, and Stamps, Jeffrey.
Virtual Teams: Reaching Across Space, Time, and Organizations with Technology.
New York, pp. 262.
[HD66.2 Lip HLMS, ISBN 0-4711-6553-0]
MEMO: Read itl I think human survial depends upon this -- Doug Engelbart
Lipson, Juliene G.
The Politics of Publishing -- Protecting Participants' Confidentiality.
In Completing a Qualitative Project (Morse, Janice M. editor),
Sage Pub., - ed., pp. 39--62.
[RT81.5 Com CLMS, ISBN 0-7619-0600-2].
Keywords: Publishing, Confidentiality
MEMO: I fear your writing would hurt the feelings of the village people if they could read; they will certainly hurt our great-great grandchildren who will read (pp. 39).
Lofland, John, and Lofland, Lyn H.
Analyzing Social Settings -- A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis.
CA, Belmont, 3 rd ed., pp. 267.
[HM48 Lof CLMS, ISBN 0-5342-4780-6]
Lopa, Baharuddin.
Korupsi Tetap Merupakan Sumber Kerawanan.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, October 08.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9610/08/OPINI/kourp.htm].
Loh, L., Sankar, C.S., and Yeong, W.Y.
Job Orientation, Percetions, and Satisfaction - A Study of Information Technology Professionals in Singapore.
Information & Management, 29(5), pp. 239-250.
[HD28 IAM HML, ISSN 0378-7206].
Low, Christina, and Pan, Daphne.
The Write Right Guide: an NUS writing guide.
Singapore, pp. 83.
[PE1408 Low CLMS MDMS SC Ref, ISBN -]
Keywords: Singlish, Grammar, English Handbook
MEMO: Must read! Make Yourself Understood!
Lowe, Andy.
Networks and the Survival and Development of "Folkoperan": The Basic Social Process of Entrepreneurial Innovation.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 495-516.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: From International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 1(2) 1995 54-76
Lowe, Andy.
Small Hotel Survival.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 589-612.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: From International Journal of Hospitality Management, 7, 1988
Lowe, Andy, and Glaser, Barney G.
The Potential of Grounded Theory for The Development of Relationship Marketing Theory.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 671-685.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Luhukay, Joseph F.P.
UNInet: the Indonesian Inter-University Computer Network.
International Academic Network Workshop, Dublin, September 6-11
Luhukay, Joseph F.P., Budiardjo, Bagio.
UNINET: An Inter-University Computer Network.
, .
Keywords: Indonesian Computer History
Luhulima, C.P.F.
Perluasan ASEAN: Dari ASEAN-7 Menjadi ASEAN-10.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, March 19.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9603/19/H04/perlu.htm].
Lutovich, Diane.
Life After Parenting: A Study of the Single Parent Empty Nest.
In Examples of Grounded Theory: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 276-282.
Keywords: Grounded Theory