Haddan, Stuart C., and Lester, Marilyn.
Grounded Theory Methodology as A Resource for Doing Ethnomethodology.
In More Grounded Theory Methodology: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 159-180.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Hafner, Katie, and Lyon, Matthew, Lyon.
Where Wizards Stay Up Late -- The Origins of the Internet.
Simon and Schuster, - ed., pp. 304.
[TK5105.875 Int.Ha, ISBN 0-6848-1201-0]
Keywords: History, Internet, ARPAnet
MEMO: The process of technological development is like building a cathedral... (p. 79).
Haig, Brian D.
Grounded Theory as Scientific Method.
Philosophy of Education Society,
Illinois, .
MEMO: Grounded Theory Methodology
Hardjo, S Happy.
Hasil Survai Haruskah Diaudit ?.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, November 07.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9611/07/OPINI/hasi.htm].
Hasan, Bakir.
Menuju "Trading Nation".
Republika Online,
Jakarta, October 30.
[WAS: http://www.republika.co.id/9610/30/30TRADIN.061.html].
Hasbullah, Jousairi.
Calon Presiden dan Penguasaan Data Statistik.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, June 16.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/kompas-cetak/9906/16/OPINI/calo45.htm].
Hawking, Stephen W.
The Ilustrated a Brief History of Time.
Bantam Books, - ed., pp. 248.
[QB981 Haw SCMS, ISBN 0-5531-0374-1]
Hawking, Stephen W.
A Brief History of Time.
Bantam Books, - ed., pp. 198.
[QB981 Haw CLMS/SCMS, ISBN 0-5530-5243-8]
Hayes-Bautista, David E.
Becoming Chicano: A Dissimilation Theory of Transformation of Ethnic Identity.
In Gerund Grounded Theory: The Basic Social Process Dissertation (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 1-13.
[HM48 Ger CLMS.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: Ph.D thesis summary 1974 UCSF
Henderson, Jeffrey William.
The Globalisation of High Technology Production.
Routledge, 1st ed., pp. 198.
[HD9696 *Sem.He CLMS/HMLMS, ISBN 0415031397]
Herzberg, Frederick, Mausner, Bernard, Peterson, Richard O., and Capwell, Dora F.
Job Attitudes: Review of Research and Opinion.
Psychological Services of Pittsburgh, 1st ed., pp. 279.
[HF5549.5 Job.H HMLMS, -]
Herzberg, Frederick, Mausner, Bernard, and Snyderman, Barbara B.
The Motivation to Work.
John Wiley and Sons, 1st ed., pp. 223.
[HF5549.5 Job.H CLMS, -]
Heryanto, Ariel.
Cina: Nasion? Etnik? Apa.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, April 15.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9604/15/OPINI/cina.htm].
Heryanto, Ariel.
Rasialiskah Orang Indonesia ? Mempertimbangkan Jasa Analisa Wacana.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, February 21.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9702/21/OPINI/rasi.htm].
Heryanto, Ariel.
Ilmu Sosial Indonesia -- Krisis Berkepanjangan.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, November 18.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/kompas-cetak/9911/18/OPINI/kris4.htm].
Hidayat, Dudy.
Pentingnya Tradisi "Kemerdekaan Berpikir" dalam Pendidikan Kita.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, October 15.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9610/15/OPINI/pent.htm].
Hidayat, Komaruddin.
Islam Mengecam Rasialisme.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, May 18.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9805/18/OPINI/isla45.htm].
Hidayat, Bambang.
Ragam Sisi Penjalaran dan Pemberdayaan Iptek.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, March 19.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/9703/19/OPINI/raga.htm].
Hill, Hal.
Indonesia"s Great Leap Forward? Technology Development And Policy Issues.
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 31(2), pp. 83-123.
[HC446 BIE CLBP, ISSN 0007-4918].
, August.
Hom, Peter.
Turnover Costs Among Mental Health Professionals.
Van Nostrand Reinhold, - ed., pp. -.
[-, ISBN -]
Hom, Peter W., and Griffeth, Rodger W.
Employee Turnover.
South-Western College Pub., 1st ed., pp. 340.
[HF5549.5 Tur.H HMLMS, ISBN 05-3880-873X]
Huck, Schuyler W., and Sandler, Howerd M.
Rival Hypotheses.
Harper & Row, 1st ed., pp. 245.
[H61 Huc HMLMS, ISBN 0-06-042979-5]
Huitema, Christian.
IPv6 -- the new Internet Protocol.
Prentice Hall, - ed., pp. 188.
[TK5105.875 Int.Hui CLMS SCMS, ISBN 0-1324-1936-X]
Keywords: History, IPv6, IPng
Hulin, C.L.
Adaptation, persistence, and commitment in organizations.
In Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Dunnette, M.D., and Hough, L.M editor),
Consulting Psychology Press, - ed., pp. -.
[HF5548.8 Han HMLMS/CLRBR, ISBN 0-8910-6041-3].
Hupcey, Judith E.
Responding to Criticism.
In Completing a Qualitative Project (Morse, Janice M. editor),
Sage Pub., - ed., pp. 147-189.
[RT81.5 Com CLMS, ISBN 0-7619-0600-2].
Keywords: Criticism
MEMO: Many times criticism is not done in an appropriate manner
Hutabarat, Saur.
"Ukuran Sepatu" Akbar Tandjung.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, November 13.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/kompas-cetak/9811/13/OPINI/ukur04.htm].
Hutchinson, Sally Ambler.
Chemically Dependent Nurses: The Trajectory Toward Self-Annihilation.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 465-478.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: From Nursing Research, July-August 1986 Vol 35
Hutchinson, Sally Ambler.
Creating Meaning: A Grounded Theory of Nicu Nurses.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 241-256.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: From Chenitz and Swanson
Hutchinson, Sally Ambler.
People With Bipolar Disorders Quest For Equanimity: Doing Grounded Theory.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 317-336.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: From Nursing Research: A quality Perspective, 2nd ed, Munhall and Boyd, 1992
Hutchinson, Sally Ambler.
Survival Practices of Rescue Workers.
In Gerund Grounded Theory: The Basic Social Process Dissertation (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 42-50.
[HM48 Ger CLMS.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: Ph.D thesis summary 1977 UCSF
Hynd, Cynthia R., McNish, Mary M., Qian, Gaoyin, Keith, Mark, and Lay, Kim.
Learning Counterintuitive Physics Concepts: The Effects of Text and Educational Environment.
Curry School of Edication, University of Virginia,
Virginia, .
MEMO: Institutions: University of Georgia, Lehman College, Clarke County School District