Rujukan Teori Beralas Elektronis -- Online Grounded Theory References
Artikel Beralas Elekronis (Online Grounded Theory Articles)
Lihat juga halaman (see also):
The Grounded Theory Reference Page .
The Memo Page of Grounded Theory , an Introduction.
In Emergence We Trust in Theoretical Sampling.
Grounded Theory Methodology Links , on the Web.
Babchuk, Wayne A .
Glaser or Strauss?: Grounded Theory and Adult Education .
Michigan State University ,
-, .
MEMO: Central issues of the Glaser-Strauss debate are identified.
Calloway, Linda Jo, and Knapp, Constance A .
Using Grounded Theory in Interpret Intreviews .
Pace University ,
New York, -.
Carvalho, Maria da Conceicao, and Hudson, John .
Grand Theory and Grounded Theory .
School of Construction and Property Management ,
University of Salford, UK, .
Correia, Zita, and Wilson T.D .
Scanning the business environment for information: a grounded theory approach .
Information Research 2(4) Paper 21 ,
University of Sheffield, .
Keywords: Grounded Theory
de-Burca, Sean, and McLoughlin, Damien .
The Grounded Theory Alternative in Business Network Research .
Dublin City University ,
Dublin, -.
Fabritius, Hannele .
Information Seeking in the Newsroom; Application of the Cognitive Framework for Analysis of the Work Context .
Information Research Volume 4 no 2 ,
University of Sheffield, October.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Grinter, Rabecca Elizabeth .
Understanding Dependencies: A Study of the Coordination Challenges in Software Development .
?? ,
??, -.
MEMO: Grounded Theory Methodology
Haig, Brian D .
Grounded Theory as Scientific Method .
Philosophy of Education Society ,
Illinois, .
MEMO: Grounded Theory Methodology
Hueser, Nicholas G .
Grounded Theory Research: Not for the Novice .
- ,
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MEMO: Grounded Theory Methodology
Hynd, Cynthia R., McNish, Mary M., Qian, Gaoyin, Keith, Mark, and Lay, Kim .
Learning Counterintuitive Physics Concepts: The Effects of Text and Educational Environment .
Curry School of Edication, University of Virginia ,
Virginia, .
MEMO: Institutions: University of Georgia, Lehman College, Clarke County School District
Kerlin, Roberta-Anne .
--- breaking the silence ---, Towards a Theory of Woman's Doctoral Persistence .
University of Victoria ,
Canada, .
MEMO: Grounded Theory Methodology Ph.D Dissertation
Kerlin, Roberta-Anne .
Pursuit of the Ph.D.: Is it Good for your health? .
Portland State University ,
USA, .
MEMO: Grounded Theory
Kinach, Barbara M .
Grounded Theory as Scientific Method: Haig-Inspired Reflections on Educational Research Methodology .
Philosophy of Education Society ,
Illinois, .
MEMO: Grounded Theory Methodology
Knapp, Constance A .
A Grounded Theory Study of Successful Organizational Intergrated CASE Technology Implementation .
PACE University ,
New York, -.
Lamb, Roberta .
Interorganizational Relationships and Online Information Resources .
HICSS - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences ,
Maui, Hawaii, January.
Lucas, Honey .
National Data: A Graphical Methodology to Support Qualitative Analysis .
Information Research Vol 4 no 3 ,
University of Sheffield, .
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Oldfather, Penny .
When Students Do Not Feel Motivated for Literacy Learning: How a Responsive Classroom Culture Helps .
Curry School of Education, University of Virginia ,
Virginia, .
MEMO: Institution: University of Georgia
Orlikowski, Wanda J .
CASE Tools as Organizational Change: Investigating Incremental and Radical Changes in Systems Development .
MISQ Archivist ,
Minnesota, September.
Pandit, Naresh R .
The Creation of Theory: A Recent Application of the Grounded Theory Method .
-, December.
Pickard, Alison Jane .
The impact of access to electronic and digital information resources on learning opportunities for young people: a grounded theory approach .
Information Research 4(2) ,
University of Sheffield, .
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Rocco, Tonette S .
Hesitating To Disclose: Adult Students With Invisible Disabilities and Their Experience With Understanding and Articulating Disability .
Michigan State University ,
-, -.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Rojo, Alenjandra .
Participation in Scholarly Electronic Forums .
Univ. Toronto ,
Toronto, -.
Sheldom, Lesley .
Grounded Theory: Issues for research in Nursing .
Nursing Standard ,
-, September 16.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Siegel, Philip H .
A Comment on the Application of Grounded Theory to Accounting Research .
HBS - Baylor ,
-, -.
Stahl, Steven A., Hynd, Cynthia, R., Britton, Bruce K., McNish, Mary M., and Bosquet, Dennis .
What Happens When Students Read Multiple Source Documents in History .
Curry School of Education, University of Virginia ,
Virginia, -.
MEMO: Institutions: University of Georgia and Clarke County School District
Star, Susan Leigh .
Grounded Classification: Grounded Theory and Faceted Classification .
-, -.
Star, Susan Leigh .
Anselm Strauss: An Appreciation .
Sociological Research Online ,
-, -.
MEMO: Obituary
Voyer, John J., Gould, Janet M., and Ford, David N .
Systemic Creation of Organizational Anxiety: An Empirical Study .
Massachusetts Institute of Technology ,
-, -.