Calkins, Kathy.
Shouldering The Burden.
In Examples of Grounded Theory: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 67-85.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: from Omega (3) 1972
Carvalho, Maria da Conceicao, and Hudson, John.
Grand Theory and Grounded Theory.
School of Construction and Property Management,
University of Salford, UK, .
Cassell, Philip.
The Giddens Reader.
MacMillan, - ed., pp. 356.
[HM24 Gid CLMS, ISBN 0-3335-8741-3]
Keywords: Structuration Theory
MEMO: Works by Giddens
Chalil, Moenawar K.H..
Kelengkapan Tarikh Nabi Muhammad.
Gema Insani, - ed., pp. 308.
[-, ISBN 979-561-713-3]
Keywords: -
Chang, William.
Mengingat Visi Kemerdekaan RI.
Kompas Online,
Jakarta, August 16.
[WAS: http://www.kompas.com/kompas-cetak/9908/16/OPINI/meng45.htm].
Charmaz, Kathy.
"Discovering" Chronic Illness: Using Grounded Theory.
In More Grounded Theory Methodology: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 65-94.
[HM48 Mor CLMS, 1-8841-5607-X].
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Charmaz, Kathy.
The Grounded Theory Method: An Explication and Interpretation.
In More Grounded Theory Methodology: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 95-115.
[HM48 Mor CLMS, 1-8841-5607-X].
Keywords: Grounded Theory, Coding, Examples.
MEMO: with examples of open coding, selective coding, and memoing.
Charmaz, Kathy.
Time and Identity: the Shaping of Selves of the Chronically Ill.
In Gerund Grounded Theory: The Basic Social Process Dissertation (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press, pp. 29-41.
[HM48 Ger CLMS.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: Ph.D thesis summary 1973 UCSF
Charmaz, Kathy.
Identity Dilemmas of Chronically Ill Men.
In Grounded Theory in Practice (Strauss, Anselm L., and Corbin, Juliet editor),
Sage, pp. 35-62.
[RA418 Gro CLMS, ISBN 0-7619-0747-5].
MEMO: From Sociological Quarterly 35(2) 269-288, also GLASER95
Clarke, Adele E.
A Social Worlds Research Adventure: The Case of Reproductive Science.
In Grounded Theory in Practice (Strauss, Anselm L., and Corbin, Juliet editor),
Sage, pp. 63-94.
[RA418 Gro CLMS, ISBN 0-7619-0747-5].
MEMO: From Theories of Science in Society 1990 pp 15-35
Cohen, R. S., Feyerabend, P. K., and Wartofsky, M. W.
Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos.
D. Reidel Pub., pp. 767.
[Q175 Bsps 39 CLMS, ISBN 9-0277-0654-9]
MEMO: Essays from Robert K. Merton, Feyerabend, et. al.
Conrad, Clifton F.
A Grounded Theory of Academic Change.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 699-718.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: From Sociology of Education 1978 (51) April 101-112
Cooper, Donald R., and Emory C. William.
Business Research Methods.
Irwin, 5th ed., pp. 681.
[HD30.4 Coo HMLMS, ISBN 0-2561-3777-3]
Cook, Ronald G., and Barry, David.
When Should The Small Firm Be Involved in Public Policy.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 655-669.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
MEMO: From Journal of Small Bussiness Management, January 1993.
Couger, J. Daniel, Davis, Gordon B., Dologite, Dorothy G., Feinstein, David L., Gorgone, John T., Jenkins, A. Milton, Kasper, George M., and Little, Joyce Currie.
IS"95: Guideline for Undergraduate IS Curriculum.
MIS Quarterly, 19(3), pp. 341-360.
[T58.6 MIS HML, ISSN 0276-7783].
Couger, J. Daniel, Opperman, Edward B., and Amoroso, Donald L.
Changes in Motivation of IS Managers -- Comparation Over Decade.
Information Resources Management Journal, 7(2), pp. 5-13.
[HF5548.125 IRMJ SCBP, ISSN 1040-1628].
Courtney, Sean, Babchuk, Wayne A., and Jha, LaDeane R.
Life in the Classroom: A Grounded Theory of Adult Basic Education.
In Grounded Theory 1984-1994 (Glaser, Barney G editor),
Sociology Press(2), pp. 789-817.
Keywords: Grounded Theory
Couger, J. Daniel, and Zawacki, Robert A.
Motivating And Managing Computer Personel.
John Wiley & Sons, 1st ed., pp. 213.
[HF5548.2 Cou CLMS, ISBN 0471084859]
Keywords: EDP Departments-Personnel Management, Employee Motivation, Turnover